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CJSF to CSF Transition
Those freshman who were ACTIVE CJSF members in the 8th grade and are CERTIFIED by the CJSF advisor of their middle school, qualify to be admitted as an Associate Member in the Fall Semester of the Freshman year.
Students who are Certified by the CJSF Advisor of their middle school are eligible to become Associate members in the Fall semester of the Freshman year. To be certified students must meet the following requirements in addition to any criterion for eligibility set by the CJSF advisor.
Students must be ACTIVE members of the CJSF Chapter during the entire 8th Grade. By ACTIVE, it means, meet requirements set by the middle school (volunteer hours, membership dues, Citizenship, etc)
Students must be eligible for continued membership based on the last semester of 8th Grade. They must have no D’s or F’s and meet the citizenship requirements
Students who are certified by the CJSF chapter of the feeder school can apply in the Fall semester of the Freshman year and become an Associate member on completion of the CSF application and payment of dues by the published deadlines.
Most of Rancho Bernardo High School students come from Bernardo Heights Middle School (BHMS) and Meadowbrook Middle School (MBMS). These middle schools are classified as feeder schools. RBHS will partner with feeder schools to automatically obtain a list of certified students at the start of each academic year. Students from feeder schools will require no additional documentation to become an Associate member.
Incoming Freshman who were CJSF members are encouraged to apply for CSF membership in the FALL semester even if they do not know their certification status. If students were not on the certified list, the CSF advisor will give additional time to produce documentation showing they were CJSF members and were in good standing.
For students who are transferring from non-feeder schools, students can show proof of CJSF membership by a letter from the CJSF advisor of the middle school stating they were in good standing with the CJSF chapter with no disqualifying citizenship remarks in the 8th grade. The CJSF advisor of the middle school must further attest that the student meets the qualifying criterion for CJSF membership based on the scholastic performance in the 8th grade.
The incoming freshman must submit the online application by the published deadline in the Fall of the Freshman year. Students will be contacted by the CSF advisor if no certifying information is available for the student. Students will be given additional time at the discretion of the CSF advisor to submit the required proof verifying the CJSF membership. On acceptance as an associate member, the student will be instructed to pay the membership dues.